The Challenge

Lighting presents several challenges:

  • The Energy Policy Act of 1992 eliminated many of the standard lamps. Their replacements often produce up to 15% less light. In situations where the light was being used to sell a product or accomplish a task, the lower light levels may be costing you more money than the energy reduction saves.

  • Newer lighting technologies can be installed to reduce lighting energy while improving illumination. However, the electric rates in Kentucky are such that reasonable pay backs, i.e. two years or less, are hard to achieve.

  • Many businesses do not have the cash in the current year's budget to implement changes that are clear winners. Cash needs to be conserved for projects more directly related to the activities of the business.

The Service

Your local cooperative and its subsidiary, Envision Energy Services, can eliminate the barriers to better lighting. We can:

  • Arrange for full lighting retrofits
  • Find financing that will match your cash flow
  • Arrange a plan where the new lighting will be totally trouble free for the life of the financing and longer

We have been helping customers get the most out of their lighting for more than a dozen years. We can help you choose the lamp or lighting fixture that will make your product look the best or give the best light on a task.

The Benefit

  • Reduced energy costs

  • Improved illumination of the space

  • Lower maintenance costs with new
    technologies that have higher reliability




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